Universal Language Support
Programming with ULS
Unicode Text Processing
UCS-2 and the UniChar type
Other Unicode encodings
UniChars and character values
Handling Unicode text
Input and output of Unicode text
Unicode string manipulation
Character attributes
Attributes names and identifiers
Localized attributes and the AttrObject type
Querying character attributes
Transforming text
Case conversion functions
Transformations using the XformObject type
Summary of text processing functions
Referencing locales
Locale environment variables
Querying locale information
Locale items
User locales
Summary of localization functions
Codepage Conversion
Conversion objects
Conversion specifiers
Performing conversions
Conversion buffers
Summary of codepage conversion functions
Appendix A: The Universal Character Set
Supported characters sets in Unicode 2.1
Supported characters sets in Unicode 5.0
Appendix B: OS/2 Codepage Numbers