SIMPLIFIED MAN V1.0 Simplified MAN is a command-line viewer for Unix-style manual (man) pages, based on the standard Unix 'man' command. It tries to be easy to install and use, and emphasizes convenience over precisely duplicating man's behaviour. Consequently, it does not implement some of man's more advanced features. WHY A SIMPLIFIED MAN? OS/2 binaries of GNU man are available from various sources. But they typically require you to have an extensive Unix-like environment set up. At a minimum, GNU man generally requires you to have gawk, sh, sed and groff installed and working (as well as the ubiquitous EMX). Some of these programs are a major nuisance to install and configure. By contast, Simplified MAN has considerably fewer prerequisites, all of which are fairly simple to install. PREREQUISITES * OS/2 with REXX support (obviously). * The Cawf utility (installed somewhere on the PATH). Cawf is available on Hobbes: Cawf is a text formatter that implements a commonly-used subset of nroff functionality. It is much smaller (by several factors) and easier to set up than GNU groff. Explanation: Unix-style man pages normally use a layout encoding that requires a troff- like formatter (groff or nroff) to translate them into readable output. GNU man depends on groff to do this. However, groff is a huge software package which can be very difficult get working under OS/2 (personally, I've never managed it). Cawf concentrates on implementing a useful subset of nroff's capabilities; in my experience it's about 99% compatible with man pages. Consequently, it's a lot smaller and much, much easier to get working. Note that there's nothing in Simplified MAN that absolutely requires Cawf instead of groff. You can easily configure it to use groff (or any other nroff/troff-compatible program) by editing MAN.CMD and changing the variable 'troffcmd' near the top of the file. * The 'less' pager is recommended. You can obtain this from Hobbes, or from UnixOS2: If you don't have (and don't want) less, you can use OS/2's built-in 'more' pager instead. Simply define the environment variable PAGER as follows: SET PAGER=MORE Note that 'more' is considerably less functional than 'less' (it doesn't support backwards paging or searching, for instance). If you have another pager you prefer to use, you can of course substitute that instead. See under ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES, below, for more information. * If you want to be able to view compressed man pages, you must also have GNU gzip installed on your PATH. It is available from the same sites as less (see above). INSTALLATION & USAGE Simplified MAN consists of one file, MAN.CMD (a REXX script). Simply place this on your PATH, make sure Cawf is installed, and you should be ready to go. You may want to set a MANPATH environment variable, but this is optional. (Unix man expects all man pages to live under a directory on the MANPATH. I've added the ability to view a man page in the current directory, or one given as a literal filespec.) See 'MANPATH' under ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES, below. The syntax is extremely simple: man where is either the literal name of a man page file, or is the name of a command whose man page is installed in the MANPATH or in the current working directory. Simplified MAN does not support the section parameter. To view man pages from a specific section (in the event that identically-named man pages exist in multiple sections), you will have to specify the numeric extension. For example, if you have both samba.1 and samba.5, running 'man samba' will display samba.1; to display samba.5, you must run 'man samba.5' instead. ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES Simplified MAN makes use of the following environment variables, if defined. They are all optional. MANPATH %MANPATH% is a PATH-like environment variable, consisting of one or more directory names separated by semicolons. If the parameter passed to MAN.CMD cannot be resolved to a literal filespec, Simplified MAN will search for it according to the following logic: - [current]\[manpage].[n] - [current]\[manpage].[n].gz - [MANPATH]\man[n]\[manpage].[n] - [MANPATH]\man[n]\[manpage].[n].gz - [MANPATH]\man[n]\[manpage].gz - [MANPATH]\man[n]\[manpage].man - [MANPATH]\man[n]\[manpage] - [MANPATH]\[manpage].[n] - [MANPATH]\[manpage].[n].gz - [MANPATH]\[manpage].gz - [MANPATH]\[manpage].man - [MANPATH]\[manpage] Where [current] is the current directory when MAN.CMD was invoked; [MANPATH] is every directory in %MANPATH%, in order; [manpage] is the parameter passed to MAN.CMD; and [n] is each of the numbers 1 through 9, in order. The first man page found according to these criteria will be displayed. (Man pages with the suffix '.gz' are compressed, and will require that you have gzip installed in order to view.) PAGER %PAGER% specifies the pager (program through which the output is redirected) used to display the formatted man pages. If not specified, the default is 'less'. You can use any paging utility you like, as long as it supports redirection from STDOUT. If you have nothing better installed, you can set %PAGER% to OS/2's built-in pager, 'more', as long as you don't mind its somewhat limited functionality. TERM Both Cawf and less use make use of the %TERM% environment variable, which is the standard Unix terminal type specifier. If not defined, Simplified MAN will assume the value 'os2'. KNOWN PROBLEMS As Cawf is not 100% nroff-compatible, you may occasionally encounter warning messages when viewing some man pages. (The man pages for the links web browser are one example.) This is fairly rare, and the pages are usually still quite readable. This should be considered a permament restriction when using Cawf as the formatter. LICENSE Simplified MAN is (C) 2006 Alex Taylor. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. -- Alex Taylor -